Kundig Technic Botop


Comprehensive Sanding Solutions Across Industries and Materials. From Precision Sanding with Sub-Millimeter Tolerances to Reproducible Structuring, Abrasive Material Finishing, and CNC-Enabled Contouring ā€“ We Craft Tailored Machinery for Every Sanding Need. With Expertise Spanning Diverse Sectors and Material Types, Trust Our Proficiency to Deliver Unmatched Solutions.

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Kundig Technic Botop

Meeting the Output-Driven Demands of Industrial Sanding Applications. Balancing the Imperatives of Swift Feed Rates and Superlative Surface Finish Quality is Paramount. At Times, Achieving Both Objectives in a Single Pass Becomes Essential. Enter Kundig Top and Bottom Sanding Machines ā€“ Your Solution to Simultaneously Fulfilling These Demands.

Technic Brush

Beyond Calibration and Lacquer Sanding, Surface Structuring Holds Significant Significance for Our Diverse Clientele. As Parquet Installations Embrace Pre-Finished Surfaces, Precision in Texturing Holds Paramount Importance.

Minimising Height Discrepancies is Imperative. This Calls for Brushing Machines that Match the Precision of Wide Belt Sanders. KĆ¼ndig’s Adjustable Brush Units Offer Vital Flexibility, Allowing Compensation for Common Brush Wear in Serial Production.

Alongside Dedicated Brushing Machines, KĆ¼ndig Presents an Array of Brush Units, Seamlessly Integratable with Their Sanders or as Add-Ons, Expanding the Horizon of Possibilities.

Technic Cross

Sanders including at least one cross belt unit, either inside or outside of the machine body. These machines are mainly used for lacquer/high-gloss work or the sanding of cross veneered surfaces.

Technic Vmax

Double-Oblique Sanding for Window Production

Sanders including at least one cross belt unit, either inside or outside of the machine body. These machines are mainly used for lacquer/high-gloss work or the sanding of cross veneered surfaces.


The Botop series offers the convenience of double-sided processing in just one pass and combines it with options of parallel sanding or the Kundig exclusive oblique sanding technology. This technology has a variety of advantages, sanding traces on the work piece vanish, longer belt life span, less fiber-raising and therefore much finer surfaces.

Top and bottom sanding units are available as planers, brush units, calibration rollers, and sanding pads, either pneumatic or segmented, and electronically controlled. They offer, as usual, a very stable support, high precision build and above-average life span. For high output applications and the heat build-up that comes with them, there are different belt lengths of 1900, 2000, 2620, and 3250 mm available.

Working Widths

650mm 1100mm 1350mm 1600mm 1900mm 2200mm. Other working widths available upon request.

Sanding Pads

Pneumatic Pad

Well proven sanding pad technology, especially for solid timber processing. A continuous air cell provides even pressure on the work piece.

Segmented Pad

The segmented pad is divided in segments either 35 or 22mm wide. These segments are computer controlled and preferences can easily and thoroughly be adjusted by the operator. The electronically controlled, segmented pad is especially useful for taking care of those delicate work piece edges on lacquered or veneered parts.

Pad Options

Segments and therefore the sensing rollers at the machine entry are available in 35 or 22m width. Depending on the material that needs to be sanded, a variety of sanding shoe hardnesses are available. Two different hardness shoes are included from the factory.

Extra Inlet Height

Allows for sanding of very thick work pieces up to 500mm (20inches)

Belt Insertion Assistance

The belt insertion assistance facilitates changing sanding belts (especially particularly large ones exceeding 2000mm length or 1350mm width).

Lacquer Package

Adjustable sanding belt speed

Belt cleaning with air jets

Extraction ducts

22mm sanding pad segments instead of the usual 35mm pads

Conveyor Belts

Various types of conveyor belts are available depending on the application.

For particularly small parts a small parts vacuum can be ordered, which generates a significantly stronger vacuum effect.

For specific applications, a vacuum pump power upgrade is available.


The machine measures workpiece thickness and starts the sanding process automatically.

Table Enhancement

The inlet and outlet table enhancement for the machine assists with handling of particularly large work pieces, like doors or big windows. The elaborate construction allows quick, space-saving stowage of both collapsible tables.

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