Robland CZ500M Compact Panel Saw

Robland CZ500M Compact Panel Saw

Manual rise and fall of the main blade

Manual rise and fall of scribe blade

Overhanging saw Guard with integrated extraction tube

three working speeds. 3,000 / 4,000 / 5,000 rpm

2x Manual flip stops on crosscut fence

Manual rip fence positioning

500mm Main blade with scribe, 175mm depth of cut

1600mm cutting length

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Technical Specifications

Saw blade rotation speed
3000 / 4000 / 5000 rpm
Diameter Saw blade and bore
300 – 500mm, 30mm Bore
Saw blade tilting
90Ā° – 45Ā°
Dimensions Cast Iron table
985 x 710mm
Dimensions crosscut table
970 x 540mm
Cutting width parallel fence
1,000mm (1350mm optional)
Cutting length
1600mm (2500mm optional)
Cutting depth at 90Ā° / 45Ā°
175mm / 120mm
Dimensions sliding table
1595mm (2200mm option) x 420mm
Length of swivelling crosscut fence
1565mm (telescopic to 2550mm)

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The Robland CZ500M is a compact industrial panel saw manufactured by Robland in Belgium.

Manual rise fall and tilt of the main blade and scribe. 2x Manual flip stops on the crosscut fence with telescopic fence extension. Overhead guard with integrated extraction tube. Z4 crosscut fence profile. Outrigger table with mitre guide. 500mm Main blade with scribe blade.

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500mm Main Blade with Scribe

The Robland CZ500M can take a 300 – 500mm main blade with scribe blade.

At 90 degrees a 500mm blade will provide a 175mm depth of cut and 120mm depth of cut at 45 degrees.

Overhanging Saw Guard with integrated extraction tube

As standard, the Robland CZ500 has the Z4 Overhanging saw guard with integrated extraction tube. The extraction outlet is a 100mm fitting.

Manual rip Fence 1,000mm

The CZ500 panel saw has a rip capacity of 1,000mm as standard specification. The CZ500M features manual positioning of the rip fence.

Optional Extras

rip cut capacity

  • 1350mm

2x Manual Stops on Crosscut fence

The CZ500M has 2x Manual stops on the crosscut fence. These are the same manual flip stops with magnifying glass’ as the Popular Robland Z400M Panel Saw has

Outrigger table with Mitre guide

The CZ500M’s outrigger table includes a mitre guide which the crosscut fence can be pivoted on and secured for precise mitre cuts.

1600mm Sliding table

This machine has a 1600mm sliding table which will cut 1600mm lengths.

Optional Extras

Sliding table length

  • 2500mm

Robland CZ500M Floor Plan

Manual Rise Fall and tilt

The Robland CZ500 ‘M’ is a manual machine. The Main blade and scribe blade both have manual rise, fall and tilt functions.

Telescopic Fence

The 1565mm wide crosscut fence is telescopic to 2550mm.

Three working Speeds

The Robland CZ500M has three working speeds, 3000 / 4000 / 5000. The drive belt has to be changed manually onto the correct pulley groove. The machine will light up the corresponding LED light to indicate which RPM the belt is currently on.

CZ500 other Variants

The CZ500 has four different variants.


  • Manual rise, fall and tilt of main blade and scribe
  • CZ500EL

  • Electrical rise fall and tilt of main blade with Digital readouts for the blade height and tilt. Digital readouts on the crosscut fence
  • CZ500X1

  • Electrical rise, fall and tilt of main blade, with digital readouts for the main blade height and angle, displayed on the overhead 7″ colour touch screen. Programmable CNC rip fence with digital readout also on the overhead colour touch screen. Digital readouts on the crosscut fence
  • CZ500X3

  • Programmable blade height, tilt and CNC rip fence positioning with digital readout on the crosscut fence
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