Morso Mitring Machine Model F

Morso Model F mitring machine cuts double mitre at 45° and single mitre up to 90°

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Technical Specifications

Model F

Morso Mitring Machine Model F

Tenon, mortise joints, and a wide variety of angled cuts can also be made. Morso Model F Mitring Machine When using the Morso F, you will have no dust compared to a saw. Also, the waste of your moulding will be minimized as Morso F cuts double mitres very close, ( less than one mm waste of moulding ). The mitre saw cannot do the mitres as close, and therefore the waste by using a saw, will always be minimum one centimetre.

Morso Model F Mitring MachineOne centimetre of waste does not sound of much, but if a calculation is done of 100 cuts a day, it actually turns out that the waste over a year is 260 meters waste of moulding…. ( That is only with 100 cuts a day…)

Morso F leaves the cut surface of the wood perfectly smooth and accurate, requiring no further preparation before joining. The horizontal movement of the knife block is stepwise adjustable. The sliding longitudinal stop and measuring scale ensure accurate repeat work.

The special lever system of the machine ensure a very easy operation. Twin return springs automatically bring the knives back to starting position. Morso F is delivered with safety guard, waste chute, sliding longitudinal stop, measuring scale, adjustable fences ( 45° – 90° ), and adjustable rebate supports.

Morso F is manually operated with a foot pedal – needs no compressor or electricity and can therefore be operated anywhere.

  • Technical data for Morso Model F Mitring Machine
  • Double mitre 45°
  • Single mitre up to 90°
  • Cutting width, max. 100 mm
  • Cutting height, max. 160 mm
  • Square cutting 65/65 mm
  • Measuring scale up to 1,500 mm
  • Net weight 90 kg
  • Digital Read out Option available £500+vat

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