Vertongen PenPro Control – Window Line

The Penpro Control

The PenPro Control is a fully CNC-controlled combination of the Pentho Control and the Profil Control. Making it one machine that can manufacture complete windows and doors, with the highest accuracy.

  • One-man operation
  • Production capacity of more than 400 parts each shift
  • 15″ touch panel in own language
  • Mounting of the tools and pre-setting the machine done by Vertongen
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PenPro Contol – Window Line

Two Machines, One Complete Solution

What do you get when you combine our best tenoner with our finest profile moulder? The Vertongen PenPro Control: one complete solution for the production of complete windows and doors. The PenPro Control is suitable for the most professional craftsmen producing windows and doors on an industrial scale with utmost precision and efficiency.

The PenPro Control is a fully CNC-controlled combination of the Pentho Control and the Profil Control. Making it one machine that can manufacture complete windows and doors, with the highest accuracy.

Vertongen PenPro Control | Markfield Woodworking Machinery

PENTHO CONTROL – One machine for one or several different window or door types

The Pentho Control is produced with one or more vertical spindles and a noise reduced cut off saw. With the tool splitting technology tools from all the spindles can be combined with each other. The solid table can turn in two directions up to 45° to make angled windows. The Pentho Control can be entirely automated and be combined with a “Profil Control” in order to come to a complete window line.

Technical Specifications

Table Mounting
Horizontal on rails, extra solid
+/- 45°, fixed in height
Backing Wood
Round backing wood with 4 manual positions
Length Fence
2.4 m; Standard 3.4 mlength-fence option
Saw Blade
Noise reduced saw included, diam. 450
80 mm
Vertical Spindle Motor (S)
Vertical Movement
Vertical 0 – 500mm
Spindle Length
300 mm with Prolock or 545 mm with top bearing
Automatic Operation
Table Extras
Blowing system on table for cleaning
2 vertical pneumatic clamps
Cut of Saw Motor
Cut of Saw Adjustment
Hor. 150 mm, cut-off capacity up to 200 mm
CNC option
Dove Tail
Positioning Vertical
Vertical CNC-positioned with ball circulating screw
Positioning Horizontal
CNC-positioned option
Max. Tooling

PROFIL CONTROL – Profile Moulder for One or Several Different Window or Door Types

The Profil Control is produced with one or more spindles. With the tool splitting technology tools from all the spindles can be combined with each other. The machine can be equipped with a glass bead saw, a hardware groove and top or/and bottom slot cutters. The Profil Control can be entirely automated and be combined with a “Pentho Control” in order to come to a complete window line

Technical Specifications

Table Guiding
80mm High
Compressed air system between table and fence
Vertical Motor
vertical CNC positioned with ball circulating screw
Spindle Length
300 mm with Prolock or 545 mm with top bearing
Min. zero Ø 120 mm Max. Ø = zero Ø + 90 mm, max. 240 mm
Vertical Size of Feed
20 to 140mm
Through Feed
Air jets in table for better through feed of timber
horizontal fix; on/off or CNC-positioned option
Feed Speed
Adjustable between 2 – 12 m/min
wear resistant, Ø 100 mm, every 103 mm number determined by composition machine, min. 13 pieces

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