Vertongen Shaper Sizer

The Shaper Sizer

The Vertongen Shaper Sizer is specifically designed for shaping, sizing, and squaring flat and raised centre panels as well as the outer edge profiles of assembled kitchen cabinet doors. It’s also able to cope and size the rails that are surfaced to final height and width. By CNC-positioning of the spindles, the Shaper Sizer works highly accurate. Saving you a lot of time and rework.

  • Flat table, clamping entire width
  • From 4″ up to 60″ in automatic mode
  • Less sanding due to higher speed and bigger tooling
  • Based on average door 16” by 24” = 300 parts / 8h
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The Shaper Sizer is a fully CNC-controlled woodworking machine. As implied by its name, it is built specifically for shaping, sizing, and squaring flat and elevated centre panels and the outer edge profiles of assembled kitchen cabinet doors.

The high-end machine can simultaneously size, square, and shape, delivering rails that are coped and surfaced to final height and width.

Thanks to its two swivelling backstops on the automatic length-fence, CNC positioning of both table and spindles, and its electronically positioned clamping device over the total part width, the Vertongen Shaper Sizer gets results accurate to the millimetre.

Technical Specifications

Motor of Spindles
7.5kW (10HP)
Horizontal pneumatic:
On/Off for quick retraction
Turning Direction
300mm with Prolock, Ø 50 mm
2 parts at the same time possible only with exactly the same height
Spindle Working Speed
Adjustable 2-12m/min
High Speed
Vertical CNC-positioned clamp over the full width of the table
Construction of Table
Fixed stable air jet table
CNC Clamp Across Full Table
Part Length
Minimum 4.0” and maximum 62”
Spindle Suspension
Horizontal +vertical CNC-positioned
Vertical | 0mm – +270mm
Min. Ø 180 mm; max. Ø 240 mm (200mm advised)
Maximum 1.25”( for tooling with Ø 200 mm )
Both spindles installed on mobile unit that moves along the table
Automatic lubrication system
Safety Specification
Pneumatic clamp for straight backing wood
Length Fence
Automatic with 1 large pneumatic swiveling back stop and 1 manual swiveling backstop
Part Width
Minimum 4”(1,5 for coping) and maximum 62”
Table Dimensions
62” x 40”(useful)

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